Biblical Secrets of Happy Relationship Disclosed

The quality of the marital relationship can make life heaven or miserable. The Bible can make a difference to each and every stressful situation in life. Drawing inspiration from the 2100-years old sacred text; we reveal how its verses can remedy the relationship challenges of today’s couples.

True happiness comes from within, and Bible speaks a lot about how we can make marriage a gift from heaven. It’s a famous quote- “Marriages are made in heaven,” and the Bible makes it come true. In practical life, sometimes things may appear a bit complicated, but they resolve with ease when the Bible comes into the picture. It beautifully narrates that how you can synchronize mutual differences and embark on a happy journey called LIFE.

Rule #1.You cannot love everything about your partner.

Let’s not make it a game to win over the other. If your partner says things that you do not like, just overlook it. Throwing back words would make the situation worse. Instead, accept that it is your bad. It will make the moment lighter. Remember, you both are not competitors but complementary to each other.

Biblical Author, St. Luke, also called Saint Luke the Evangelist, has advocated the significance of forgiveness (Luke 6:37). So, let’s not say bad things about anyone as the same bad can be said about us too. When you raise one finger at someone, the rest of the three fingers points back to you.

Rule #2.Either you make a relationship, or you make worldly things.

To live every moment of life is all about losing yourself into it and forgetting all concerns of life and desires which pulls us back. Same goes for relationships, as the more you care for your partner, the more lovely relationship you make. This world is temporary, and all that remains is love and only Love.

Bible portrays true love as selfless and without any desire. Things that take you away from true love are an illusion, and wise men do not care about it. (Mark 8:36)

Rule #3.Before you go to sleep settle everything as it may increase the severity.

“Don’t go to bed angry” is what even doctors advise us as it has been scientifically proved. The marital argument may lead to lack of self-control. Your gentle words can work wonders and make your life cheerful and pleasant.

Remember Ephesians 4:26. Before anger takes over you, you take over anger. Anger makes you blind even in daylight.

Rule #4.Feel or show great joy whenever you are together.

Meet and greet your partner always with a heart full of joy. Make him or her feel special. This is going to rejuvenate the excitement of your life altogether. Try to find happiness in small things, as even a small amount of happiness, a moment of joy can amplify your zeal to make your life livelier.

There is a well-known verse in the Bible (Proverbs 15:17) that says a bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate. So, your positive approach and amicable mood can turn the game in your favour and help you win the heart of your partner.

Rule #5.It is always a wise choice to make your partner look competent than yourself

When you know that your partner is craving to be appreciated for small things in life, let’s not lose this opportunity and take it your advantage. Let her/him feel unique and more precious than what she/he is now. It will be a driving force which will always give you an extra push to make your married life full of delight.

Proverbs 3:27 from the Bible conveys the same. It emphasizes on giving rather than withholding goodness to you.

A beautiful marriage cannot happen until both partners give it their all. Differences of opinion may come in, arguments may create moments of bitterness but in the end it will all get resolved if the love between the partners is strong enough to withstand storms. To quote 1 Peter 4:8: – “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”

Love does not demand anything; it is all about giving and losing yourself. It is all about caring for your partner without expecting returns. It is all about unconditional love and sacrifice as exemplified by Christ himself !

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